
7 [W] WDR (Wide Dynamic Range)

Wide Dynamic Range Technology uses two shutter speeds in alternative video fields-high and normal- every 60th (or 50th) of a second and combines two fields into one progressive scan frame. It allows every detail to be captured accurately even if one portion of an image is bright. Whether at the high shutter speed or normal shutter speed, the progressive scan CCD provides a horizontal resolution of 470 lines. As a result, combined fields yield a frame of high-quality images.

6 [S] Smart IR

Normally, when a camera uses infrared LED arrays for wide area illumination at night, you may just see the over exposed image when the object is close to IR camera.
Smart IR technology automatically adjusts IR intensity according to proximity, and eliminates object over exposure caused by strong illumination. Smart IR is useful to identify person’s face or object movement at night.

5 [I] IR

IR means Infrared or infrared radiation. Infrared lies between the visible and unvisible microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Infrared wavelength is longer than visible and shorter than microwaves. Near-infrared is closer to visible light and far-infrared is closer to microwave region, Mid-infrared is the region between near-infrared and far-infrared. Infrared waves can be measured as the heat an object emits.

4 [F] Focal Length (f)

The focal length of a lens determines its field of view at a given distance. A wide angle lens as its name suggests a wide field of view at a given distance. This means that it can see a wide area of the scene in both the horizontal and vertical planes. Most lens manufacturers provide tables or charts for their lens providing the necessary data.
f= h x D / H ( h: height of image, D:distance, H: height of Object)

3 [F] FoV (Field of View)

A FOV refers to the maximum angle over which objects are captured on the sensor in a camera. It depends on two factors - the focal length of the lens and the physical size of the sensor. Sometimes, a FOV is called angle of view.
The FOV of a rectilinear lens is calculated using simple trigonometry as following equation.
FOV = 2 x arctan(frame size/(forcal length * 2))
Here, 'frame size' represents the size of the sensor in the direction measured.

2 [D] DOF (Depth of Field)

DOF refers to the range of distance that the subject appears acceptably sharp. DOF is determined by several factors such as aperture size, lens to subject distance, lens focal length, and image sensor size.
Generally, the following conditions result in a deep DOF.
- small or narrow aperature size (large f number)
- long distance between lens and subject
- short focal length
- small image sensor size (small image format)
A shallow DOF has reverse condition of a deep DOF.

1 [A] AEC (Automatic Exposure Control)

The camera controls its exposure time automatically by setting the aperture or shutter speed, based on the external lighting conditions.